What modules exist according to your license?

Summary table of the modules included according to the contracted Meetmaps license

Summary table of modules according to your license


Event Information


Gather all the general data of the event. The information will be reflected on the landing page, the App and the home page of the virtual venue. X X X X X X



Shows the event program and session information. X X X X X X



Informs about the speakers and/or moderators and provides relevant information about them. X X X X X X

Push Notifications


It is used to send a message of 120 characters max. that reaches users who have downloaded and logged in to the event App. X     X X X

HTML Pages 


It allows you to create HTML and embed them in the landing and home page of the Virtual Web Event. X X X X X X



It offers a space where attendees can talk and interact with each other on public or private channels. X X     X X



Facilitates communication between attendees and event organizers X X   X X X

Digital Acreditation  (QR)


Contains the personal QR to access the event X     X X X



Compile useful files for attendees. X X X   X X



It allows you to create surveys, share them with attendees and collect useful information.It allows you to create surveys, share them with attendees and collect useful information. X X     X X

Photo Gallery


Created by the administrator, they can be viewed and uploaded photographs. X X     X X



Create sponsors and classify them into categories X X X   X X



Approval of abstracts for scientific, medical conferences, etc. X X     X X



Marketplace so that premium exhibitors can show their products classified by categories X X       X



List of exhibitors present at the fair, conference or event with all their information. X X X  



Virtual Spaces


Map with different interaction places and their information X X X     X



Ask the attendees a question and they can select an answer from the available options X X   X X X

Q & A


Questions from attendees to speakers. These will be received by the organization for validation. X X   X X X



Attendees will have to answer a series of questions and select the correct answer with a maximum response time X X       X



Information related to the event to provide more information to attendees X X X   X X

Personal Documents


Configure personal documents for event attendees so that each one can view their private information in the app X         X

X* Basic exhibitors only

X+ Basic and 25 Premium exhibitors

Lead Scanner


Allow your attendees to keep the contact information of new people they meet at the event X         X

Video Gallery


The organizer can generate a repository of videos and these can be viewed by attendees. X X     X X

QR Gamification


Attendees will be able to scan the QR codes at different points of the event in order to add points and complete missions (gamification by missions). X         X

Meetings 1to1


1to1 meetings between attendees or exhibitors X X       X

Gamification per actions


Allows interaction between event attendees through games such as Quiz, QR scanning and surveys X X       X

Gamification per missions 


Scoring system for missions completed by an assistant and a global ranking X         X