What is the Q&A section?

Discover what this section and the Q&A module consist of

Available for these licences:

Logo meetmaps Event App Starter, Pro, Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Virtual Venue Starter, Pro, Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Suite Starter, Pro, Enterprise

The Q&A module provides attendees with the option to submit questions to the speakers (either anonymously or not).

The organization will have the option to accept the question or not. If accepted, it will be displayed on the screen of all devices and optionally through a screen (or projection) in the same room.

This module is analogous to the Q&A session in a physical event where attendees raise their hands and request the microphone, with the added advantage that the organizer can decide whether the question can be directed to the speaker or not.

There are two ways to manage them:

  1. Through the session in the agenda.

  2. By activating the Q&A module.


1. Q&A through the agenda session: in this case, the questions will be asked within the session, in the Agenda module.

NOTE🗒️: Available both on the App📱 (for in-person and online events) and on the Web💻 (for online events only).


In App & Web > Agenda, activate Questions & Answers in the agenda session:

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 9.30.51

App 📱

IMG_8745   IMG_8747

Web 💻

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 9.50.28

2. Q & A by activating the Q & A module: the questions are centralized in this module of the App and divided by agenda sessions.

IMPORTANT❗ only available on the App 📱 (for both in-person and online events)

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.01.07     IMG_8750.     IMG_8751          

EXPORTS 🔢: You can download who has sent the question and when, in which session they did it, and the status of the question (pending, live, archived, or deleted).

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.06.47