What is the Sponsors module and how to upload content?

Increase the visibility of your Sponsors in your virtual event

Available for these licences:

Logo meetmaps Access Pro, Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Event App Pro, Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Virtual Venue Pro, Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Suite Pro, Enterprise

📷 Image characteristics

Sponsors' logos: square shape 600px x 600px in .png or .jpg format. Make sure to leave good margins to avoid being cut off on the different screens where they are displayed on Virtual Venue Web, App and Landing.

The sponsors
module offers the possibility of having a section in your Virtual Event Web or App dedicated exclusively to them to give them the visibility they deserve and thus capitalize on their investment.

  1. To enter your Sponsors, you must go to the "Sponsors" tab of the side menu (from the Virtual event or App panel).


2. Next, click on the green "New Sponsor +" button, a drop-down will appear with all the information to enter about your sponsor.

+ info on how to create Sponsors' categories 👉 How to create Sponsor categories?

NOTE📒 Remember that to enter your Sponsor's Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profile, you must attach it in URL format.

TIP💡 If you link a SPONSOR to an EXHIBITOR, the user will go to the section/section of the linked exhibitor

3.  To save the detailed information you have filled in about your sponsor, press the green button (at the bottom right of the drop-down) called "Save".

4. To ensure that the content you have entered is displayed in your Virtual Event Web or App, you must confirm that the display button is blue 👁️.

NOTE📒 To activate the Sponsors module you must go to the Modules section and activate the "Sponsors" module.

+ info 👉 How to configure modules?

EXPORTS 🔢 : In case you want to see how many visits each Sponsor has had, you can click on the Actions > Export visits.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-22 a las 16.59.32

TIP 💡If you want to see how it turns out, don't forget to add yourself as an assistant and:

  • Virtual Web Event 💻: the button located in the top menu, called "Preview event"
  • App📱: download the App (Eventsbox, or Branded one depending on what you have contracted)