Discover how to create step by step the gamification (by missions and/or by actions) in your event App
The Quiz module allows you to create a Quiz where the attendees will have to answer a set of questions. They will have to select the right answer in a specific timing, testing their knowledge and reinforcing messages in a dynamic and fun way.
IMPORTANT❗ The Quiz module is only available for the App (not for the web)
NOTE 🗒️: Remember to activate the Gamification (by actions and/or by missions) and Quiz module in the “Modules” tab.
+ info👉 ¿How to configure modules?
Here we tell you, step by step, how to create a Quiz:
- From the Virtual Event or App Dashboard, go to the "Gamification" section in the sidebar menu and click to enter. To create your first quiz, click on the "New Quiz" button on the top right.
- A pop-up will appear where you will have to enter the Quiz title and, optionally, a description or instructions for solving the quiz. To have an element of pressure and adrenaline, you must indicate the seconds the attendee will have to answer the questions and solve the quiz.
- To start adding questions just click on "Actions" and then "Add question" on the quiz you created.
4. A pop-up will appear where you can write the question (add as many as you like repeating the "Add question" step). You will have to indicate multiple possible answers and check the right one; once selected, the tick will become blue. 5. To edit or delete any question, click on the three dots on the right of the question and then you can select "edit" or "delete" from the drop-down menu.
6. To change the display order of the questions, you can use the 6 dots on the left side, dragging it up or down.
NOTE:🗒️Meaning of the icons:
"Video Play: Open a window where you will see the results.
"eye" icon: you can make your Quiz visible whenever you consider it.
"lock" icon: you can close the Quiz to stop receiving answers.
"List" icon: If you check it, the assistant will be able to see their answers and which ones they got correct after answering the quiz.
7. To download the leaderboard in version (.csv) or xlsx you can do so by clicking on “actions” and then “download”.
NOTE 🗒️: The leaderboard is the ranking of the attendees who participate in the quizzes. The points depend on:
- Each correct answer defined in the Gamification > Missions section
- Time to respond, break the tie with equal points, whoever has the least time wins
EXPORTS 🔢: By clicking Actions, you can download the Quiz results (email, first name, last name, and points scored) for each attendee.
How the attendee views it
1. Entry to the module and selection of the questionnaire:
2. Complete the quiz:
3. Leadeboard:
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And there you have it! You're now ready to create new quizzes! 💥