Discover how to upload the information of the Speakers of your virtual event
Available for these licences:
Event App Starter, Pro, Enterprise
Virtual Venue Starter, Pro, Enterprise
Suite Starter, Pro, Enterprise
📷 Image characteristics
Photo of the speakers: 1:1 aspect ratio with a minimum resolution of 600px. Ensure there are good margins so no face gets cut on the different places the speaker will be shown via Virtual Venue Web, App y Landing: Home, profile detail, agenda, etc.
In the virtual event Webor App, you can dedicate a section to inform about the different speakers and/or moderators of your event. You can also add relevant information about them.
Manual upload of speakers
To add a speaker to your virtual event, you must follow the following steps:
- Go to the Speakers module in the left side menu of your Event Management Software.
- Click on "New speaker +" to be able to add a speaker to your list.
- Fill in the content of the pop-up on your speaker.
NOTE 📃: Remember that to enter the Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profile of your Speaker, you must attach it in URL format.
IMPORTANT ❗: The only mandatory fields to add a Speaker are Name and Photo. If you still do not have the Speaker's picture but would like to advance work, you can also create it by uploading the photo of an avatar, and when you receive the profile picture you can enter again and upload the final photo.
4. Click on the green "Save" button when you have accurately added all the information about the speaker of your virtual event.
Mass import of Speakers
1. Select Speakers module > import speaker.
2. Download the template.
3. Fill in all the data.
4. Save the file in .csv format, separated by commas.
5. Upload the file (in .csv format)
TIP 💡 Link a speaker to an attendee (previously entered in the Attendee List) so that attendees can send messages to the speakers (only from the App 📱)
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