How to set up a Web event?

Learn how to create your event step by step, if you have the VIRTUAL VENUE (Starter, Pro, Enterprise) or SUITE (Starter, Pro, Enterprise) license.

In this article, we explain the minimum steps necessary to create an event Web 💻.

Create the Event

1. From your Meetmaps account, start by creating your event from scratch.

TIP 💡add yourself as a registered attendee 🍋 in the Attendee List to see how the Web looks.

Web structure

2. Fill in the general information about the event (event name, dates, schedules, languages, social media, etc.). 

👉 What is the General Information Module and where can we visualize it?

3. Brand the event in your Web with images and a main color.

👉 Web Branding

4. Configure the modules you are going to use according to the license you have purchased:

👉 What modules exist according to your license?

👉 How to configure modules?

5. Configure the main page 🏠 (or Home) of the Web if you have activated the Home module in the previous step -4-.

👉 How to configure the Home for the Virtual Web Event?

6. Edit the tabs in the Properties 🔧 section that you are going to use:

7. Fill in the content of the modules you have activated (steps 3 and 4), and that need content.

For example, AgendaSpeakersSponsors, etc.

Give attendees access to the Web

8. Via email - Campaign sends registered attendees 🍋 the username, password and the link to the Web.

👉 How to create the access credentials email for an event?

👉 What status can an attendee have?

NOTE 🗒️: Registered attendees have been previously added to the Attendee List in one of the following ways:

TIP 💡After a few days, send a second email to those attendees (registered 🍋) who have not yet become activated users 🍏

Encourage the use of the Web

9. You can encourage the use of the Web through:

  • Emails to registered attendees 🍋 explaining everything they can do if they access the Web
  • If it is an in-person event 🙋:
    • hang posters with the link to the Web
    • the staff in charge of controlling the access to the event can inform the attendees about the Web and how to access it

NOTE 🗒️: you may be interested in these other articles:

👉 How to set up the landing page?

👉 How to set up a registration form?

👉 How to set up an event in your App?