How does the Tickets section work?

In the tickets section, you will be able to configure a registration form with different tickets, free and paid, for on-site, virtual or hybrid events

If your event has different types of tickets, you will have to create them in the Tickets section so that they appear in the Registration Form. 

How to create a ticket? 

Its configuration is really easy 💪, you will only have to consider the different ticket combinations that your event will entail to be able to create them. 

  1. Access the Registration Dashboard and go to the Tickets section from the left side menu. 
  2. Click on the "Create ticket +" button. Once you do, a pop-up will appear with the configuration of the ticket, with all the characteristics you may need.

    • Ticket title: this name will be visible to the attendees.
    • Start date/ hour: indicate from which day and hour the ticket will be available.
    • End date/ hour: indicate until which y and hour the ticket will be available.
    • Type of assistance: 
      • Presential: to events with on-site tickets.
      • Virtual: ticket for attendees that only attend the event virtually. 
      • Hybrid: with this option, the attendee can access the event both on-site and from home.
    • Price options:
      • Free: free of charge for the attendee
      • Price: with a cost for the attendee. If you choose this option, a field where you can add the price of the ticket will appear.
      • Tickets available: in this field, you will indicate the number of tickets available for your event. 

    TIP 💡: during on-site events where you would like to control the event's capacity, remember to specify a concrete number of tickets available. Once all tickets have been sold-out, attendees will no longer be able to acquire that kind of ticket. 

    Advanced settings: here, you will be able to link the ticket to an itinerary or previously configured profile of the attendee. + info 👉 How to segment through properties, creating roles and itineraries?

  3. Lastly, you will have to activate the ticket with the switch "Activate ticket sale" and click on the "Create ticket" button 

Once you have created a ticket, you will also be able to activate it with the ☑️ button, edit it with the ⚙️ button or delete it with the third button 🗑️.   

Ticket sales control

To keep track of the number of tickets available, the number of tickets sold and the total revenue, you can consult the "Summary of tickets sold" in the upper section.

REMEMBER 💁: with this Multiple Tickets functionality you will be able to create as many tickets as you want, combining attendance types and price options!

And now, you are an expert at creating forms with multiple tickets 🚀.

EXPORTS 🔢: You can download the metrics of the tickets sold by clicking Export > Sold tickets.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-14 a las 17.18.41

To learn more about setting up the registration form, click here.