Web Branding

Discover all the customization and design options in your Web

App & Web Dashboard > Settings > Custom

  • Logo: 750px x 180px 
  • Tab Logo: 32px x 32px
  • Colors: Main color of the event and its buttons in HEX format. Click here 👉 to know the HEX code of a color
  • Main Image for Computer Web: 2560px x 1600px
    ❗ Featured image on the welcome page on the EV web. It is also the reference image of the event (Event Image, Check-in App, etc.)
  • Main Image for Mobile Web: 1125px x 2001px 
  • Background image for Web Login: 1536px x 2400px
    It is the page prior to accessing the EV web, where the username + password is entered.
    ❗If you do not add this image, it will be a background of the main color of the event and you will be able to enter a text in General information > General > Public description.
  • Background Image Virtual Event on Web: 2400px x 1536px 
    This image will be the background of all the EV web pages.

Banner of the Virtual Event:

  • Banner for web browser from desktop: 2400px x 275px
  • Banner for web browser from mobile phone: 750px x 375px 

IMPORTANT ❗: for both banners, in case you want to put logos or text, to ensure optimal viewing on all screens, you must center the design avoiding as much as possible that it touches the lateral, upper or lower margins.

Web (desktop 💻)

  • Access or Login Page to the Web (With Image)

  • Home Page

  • Other Web modules with banner (desktop 💻 )

  • Hope Page of the Web (mobile phone 📱)

App & Web Dashboard > Home > Home Web

This two images are displayed in the Web home page 

  • Web Cover Background: 1280px x 1024px. For images with content: 1600px x 500px
  • Mobile Cover Background: 720px x 375px 

IMPORTANT ❗: If we put a banner in the Home module, in the App & Seb > Settings > Design, and also these two cover backgrounds, the latter has priority

  • Home Page of the Web (desktop 💻)

  • Web Home page (mobile phone 📱)


  • Other sections (mobile phone 📱)
    With Banner                                   Without Banner