In this article, we explain all the steps for you to carry out the control access for your event as efficiently and quickly as possible.
Available for these licences:
Access Starter, Pro, Enterprise *
Event App Starter, Pro, Enterprise *
Virtual Venue Starter, Pro, Enterprise *
Suite Starter, Pro, Enterprise *
* Specific check-in set-ups for each license
The check-in module is used to monitor the entries and exits of the attendees and determine the capacity of your event.
IMPORTANT❗All attendees must access the event with a QR code.
There are 3 possibilities:
- Sent via email with the QR code.
- Activating the Digital Accreditation QR module in the App. To activate the modules, refer to the article 👉 "How to configure modules?". If you don't have access to the App yet, get in touch with the Meetmaps sales team.
- With a Badge/Accreditation. 👉 You can create it with the assistance of the Badge Builder Guide.
In Registration > Check-in > Settings there are 5 customizable fields based on your needs:
- Activate check-in: ⚠️ IMPORTANT, you have to activate it to carry out check-in ⚠️.
- Activate Counter mode: Add attendees manually to the capacity from the check-in APP without the need for prior registration. Acts as a digital clicker.
- Maximum capacity: Specify the maximum capacity for your event per day.
- Access to the event or a room: The article 👉 How to set up check-in by room? explains how to carry out this function.
- Allow check-in in session without the need to do general check-in before: Perform check-in for specific sessions without the need to scan the QR code at the entrance of the event.
On the right side, you will find the readers 📲:
They are used to access the Check-in app with the devices that will scan the QR codes of the event (for example, for the hostesses in the access control).
When you create a reader, it provides you with a username and a password that must be used to log in to the Check-in app.
IMPORTANT❗ It is necessary to create a reader for each device that will be used.
NOTE 🗒️: Event administrators can also use the Check-in App to scan using their email and password, but they have to be attenndees of the event too.
From here, follow the Check-in App Guide 📲 to execute the access control for your event.
Event Metrics 📊
For the day of the event and post-event, we have the Access Control section, where you can find various metrics for the event.
- Registered attendees: The number of people who have registered for the event. Guests who have not yet registered do not count for this metric.
- Presented Attendees: The number of attendees who have scanned their QR code.
- Event attendance: The percentage (%) of attendees who have checked in at the event compared to the total registered.
- Current event capacity of the event: The number of attendees currently at the event. Result of check-ins minus check-outs.
- Event Attendance: Specifies the day and the number of attendees who have been scanned.
EXPORTS 🔢 : You can export three lists in this section:
- Attendees list: First check-in of each attendee who has presented at the event.
- History of access to the event: All instances when a QR code was scanned, along with the timestamp.
- List of the attendees by rooms (check -in by room)
- Current capacity by room: The number of attendees currently present in each room at that moment.
- Attendance at sessions: The number of individuals who have accessed each session.
NOTE 🗒️: In this section, you can export the access history for the rooms.
- Attendance at the event by role: The number of attendees who have accessed the event for each role. In the article 👉 "How to link a role to an attendee?" we explain how to create roles and assign them to attendees.
IMPORTANT ❗The property you use as a role has the Accreditation switch activated.
- Attendees with on-site printing: In case on-site printing of accreditations is used, you can view this metric.
Finally, in the upper right corner, we have three options:
- Reset counter: Reset the counter/clicker to 0.
- Complete checkout: To perform a check-out for all attendees of the event. It can be for both general access or for specific rooms.
NOTE 🗒️: In the case of a multi-day event, we recommend performing a complete check-out at the end of each day.
- Access Panel: For on-site management of attendees, in the article 👉 "How does the access panel work?" we explain in detail how it functions.
IMPORTANT❗If you have the ACCESS PRO license, it is possible to activate Check-in Pro:
- Display specific properties in the Check-in App when scanning a QR code.
- Manual validation of these properties.
To enable this, please contact the Meetmaps team.
If your event has different rooms, you can also check-in by room👉How to set up check-in by room?