How to create meetings for exhibitors?

Discover how to create 1to1 meeting sessions between exhibitors/stands (premium) and attendees

If you have hired Premium Exhibitors for your event, you can create Matchmaking sessions to organize video calls between attendees and stand administrators.

Follow these steps; you will see that it is very simple to give a boost ⚡ to the stands of your event with this tool:

1. Go to the Meetings Dashboard (you can check the difference between the different panels in this article: Which are the 3 dashboard types?).


2. Within the "Summary of sessions" section of the sidebar menu, click on the "Create session" button.


3. By doing so, a pop-up will open with 2 options: choose "Stands" to configure meetings within the exhibitors.


4. Then, another pop-up will open to start configuring the session: here we go!💪

Fields to configure > Session Information tab:

  • Title: this name will identify the meetings at the stands. Keep in mind that it will be visible from the "Agenda" tab of the event.
  • Start date, start time - 🕑 - end time of the session.
  • Duration of each meeting ⏳: all the meetings that will be created within the session time you set in the previous point will have the same duration.
  • Hosts 🛡️: by default, the hosts of the meetings will be the stand administrators.

REMEMBER 💡: the stand administrators will be the representatives registered in the Attendees List and linked to each exhibitor in the Exhibitors section.


  • Requesters 👋: you can choose whether a specific role (previously created in the Properties section) has the option to request meetings at the stands, or if any attendee can do so, in which case you will choose the "Everyone" option from the dropdown menu. This way, all the attendees registered in your event could request meetings with the stand administrators.
  • Number of meetings 🔢: refers to the maximum number of meetings that can be accepted and requested between hosts and applicants.

  • Break time 😴 between meetings (optional): if you want to grant some rest time between meetings, you should activate this variable and specify the specific duration of this break in minutes.

  • Video call meetings 💻: don't forget to activate this option to generate video calls in the meetings.

Fields to configure > User Configuration tab:

By activating these 3 fields, it will make it easier for the attendee to manage their different meetings within the event:

  • Activate the "Request meetings" section.
  • Activate the "My requests" section to manage meeting requests.
  • Activate the "My meeting schedule" section.

Al activar los 3 campos facilitará al asistente gestionar sus distintas reuniones dentro del evento:

  • Activa la sección "Solicitar reuniones".
  • Activa la sección "Mis peticiones" para gestionar peticiones de reunión. 
  • Activa la sección "Mi agenda de reuniones".

5. Finally, click on the "Create session" button.

IMPORTANT 📢: once the session is created, you can edit all the switches and fields, except for the start date, start time, end time of the session, and the applicants. If you need to start over, don't be discouraged: delete 🗑️ the session and create it again.

NOTE 🗒️: there are three automated emails linked to the 1to1 Meetings with exhibitors (and to the 1to1 Meetings modules -between attendees-):

  • When requesting a meeting
  • When modifying a meeting
  • When declining a meeting


Keep in mind that, optionally, you can also assign a specific table to an attendee (stand members):


¡Done! 🚀
We told you it was easy, you have now created the session so that exhibitors' administrators can receive meeting requests within their stands.

NOTE: The meetings requested by attendees will be automatically scheduled for the stand representative. Advise the administrators to prepare their best smile 😁 meeting after meeting.

To find out what the Premium stands include and how meeting requests are visualized and managed, click 👉 here.