What is the internal image repository?

Discover the uses of the image repository module

The Image Repository module is a centralized space where images are stored, organized and managed. It is located in the App & Web > Image Repository:


NOTE 🗒️: To view the image in full screen in good quality on most devices, we recommend a size of 2400x1536px for computers and 1125x2001px for mobile phones.

NOTE 🗒️: Before proceeding, if you have not yet uploaded an image to the image repository, here we show you how to do it +info 👉 How to Generate the URL of an image?

The Image Repository has 3 main uses:

1. Add an image in the body of an email created by Email Builder

+ info 👉 How to create an email with templates? Get to know the Email Builder

1. Go to the emails > automatic/campaigns module.

2. Open the email template in which you want to add the image.

3. In the "paragraph" field paste the link you copied from the repository.

4. The image will be created automatically. You can change its size as well as center it if you want.

5. Click Edit Email.


2. Add an image module to the home and landing home

+ Info 👉 How to configure Home of the Virtual Web event?
+ Info 👉 How is a landing page configured?

IMPORTANT❗ In the Home of the App you can also upload images but from the "photo gallery" section.

Home Web

1. In the App & Web> Home module click on the Home Web tab. Now click on the "Add Module +" button.

Untitled-Jun-10-2024-01-46-12-1865-PM2. Fill in the title in the languages ​​in which your event is configured, and in type > HTML page. In content > the image you uploaded in the HTML pages section. Click Save.

Untitled-Jun-10-2024-01-48-28-6536-PM3. Now be sure to activate this new module that you created to be visualized in the web event

Untitled-Jun-10-2024-01-50-10-1837-PM4. Now you will see the image on the web event page




1. In Registration > Landing, click on the "Add Module +" button.

Untitled-Jun-10-2024-02-03-32-7845-PM2. Fill in the title in the languages ​​in which your event is configured, and in type > HTML page. In content > the image you uploaded in the HTML pages section. Click Save.

Untitled-Jun-10-2024-02-05-52-7218-PM3. Be sure to activate this new module that you created to be visualized in the landing

Untitled-Jun-10-2024-02-07-35-4586-PM4. Now you will see the image on the landing


3. Create a URL of an image for:

  • Add an image on HTML pages.
    + Info 👉 What is the HTML pages module and how is it configured?

    1. In App &Web > HTML pages click on "Add page +" to create a new one.

2. In the type field select HTML, add a title and in Body the link of the image and it will be generated and you can see it. Now click on Save.


1. Go to the Attendees List section and in the template you just downloaded, place the emails of the attendees to edit and paste the image link in the photo field


2. Do the massive import



3. When the import is finished, you will see that a file will appear in the photo field of the attendees who were edited (the photo you uploaded)


There you have it! It's that easy! 💥