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How to generate the URL of an image?

Discover how to generate the URL of an image to be able to insert it into your virtual event's Event Management Software.

In order to generate the URL of an image with the aim of introducing it in your virtual event, follow the following steps:

  1. In App & Web > Image Repository click on the "New Image +" button at the top right.


2. A pop-up will open in which you will have to fill out the name and description (make sure you do it in the languages ​​you have configured for your event) and upload an image in PNG or JPG format. Click "new image" to save.


3.  Now the new image will appear in the list and there you can edit or delete it. By clicking on the three dots you can copy the link to paste on your computer or mobile.


TIP ✏️: To view the image in full screen in good quality on most devices, we recommend a size of 2400x1536px for computers and 1125x2001px for mobile phones.

NOTE 🗒️: Now that you have your image uploaded in the repertoire, we show you everything you can do with it in this article +info 👉 What is the internal image repository?

And there you have it! It's that easy!💥