What are properties and how to create them?

We explain what properties are and how to create, edit, or activate them for your virtual event.

What are properties and how to create them?

Properties are fields that provide information about attendees at your event, and they are important because:

  • We can collect data from attendees.
    Example: In the registration form, we collect the property "Company Type" ,"Interests", etc.
  • Make specific configurations depending on the properties you set up with single-choice properties. +info 👉 How to link a role to an attendee?
    Example: We upload the attendee database and create a single-choice property (or field) named "Attendee Type" (Attendee or VIP). Then, we can configure that:
         - Attendee Type - Attendee >> can access social modules: "Messages", "1-to-1 Meetings", etc.
         - Attendee Type - VIP >> does not appear in these social modules nor has them visible. 

Types of properties

Dashboard section They are important when Description
Registration > Registration form Only for the registration form Properties requested in the registration form
Properties > Import

Only if you import attendees.

Also, if you want to create segments of attendees.

Properties that correspond to the fields in the Excel or CSV file that you can download to import the attendee database in bulk (Attendees List)
Properties >  On site registrations

Only if you have check-in

Properties that will be used to credential new attendees during in-person events. In other words, it's the information you'll ask a new attendee to provide at the moment of registration in a physical event. on-site, through the Check-in App and/or the Access Panel.

Properties > Join Form

Optional, if you have App or Web

Activate it in App & Web > Settings> Access (Type of access to the Virtual event)

The Join Form tab is used to create properties (fields) that we want attendees to fill out before accessing the event (on the Web and App) throught the Join Form.

The purpose of this section is to complete the attendee's profile once they have registered for the event, as at this point it may be useful to ask for some data that is not suitable for the Registration Form, such as a photo (useful for networking) or social media profile.

Properties > Profile If you have App or Web

Properties that you want to make public (and therefore, can be viewed by any other attendee) of an attendee when clicking on their profile. It is likely that you have some fields in your database that are private and therefore cannot be viewed by other users, but from this section you can choose which ones you want to make public and therefore will form the Attendee Profile.

In addition, they are also the properties that an attendee can see on their own profile.

Properties > Edit Profile Only if you have the module Profile activated in your App or Web Properties (fields) that you want an attendee to be able to edit on their profile. In this section, you can use properties that already contain information in the database, as well as new properties that you want users to be able to fill out. The information that the user updates from this section will be automatically updated in our database.

How to create, edit, and activate properties?

To begin, you must click on "Properties" in the side menu of the dashboard. Once there you will have three options:

1) Create a property

In the "Properties" section, click on "Add property" (upper right button) and the following menu will appear. To create a new property click on "Add property":


Once done, the property creation menu will appear, in which you can choose the name of your new property, add an explanatory text if you consider it necessary and, finally, add the type of response that this property will have.

+ info 👉 What response options are available when creating a property?


IMPORTANT ❗: Before creating a property, check if this property is already created. Never create new properties that are already pre-set as they can interfere with the optimal behavior of the platform

NOTE 🗒️: The basic information of an attendee will already appear as a configured property, such as: name, surname, company, position, contact email, country, province, etc.

Already pre-set properties:


2) Activate a property:

As you have already seen in the previous image, when you click on "Properties" and on "+ Add property" you will see a list of pre-created properties and, just below, the properties that you have already created.


To activate any of these properties you just have to click on the white box next to the property name, and when it turns blue that property will already be activated.

3. Edit a property

From the properties screen, you can see all those properties that you have activated. To edit one of them, you just have to click on "Edit" in the chosen one and a menu will appear where you can edit this property.

+ info 👉 How to edit a Property?


Keep in mind that you will not be able to edit those properties that have been pre-set by the platform