What are automated emails?

Discover how to create emails that are sent automatically

These are emails that are sent automatically when:

  • Attendees perform actions in the App, Web or Registration Form.
    Examples: the attendee registers for the form and receives an email that they have registered successfully, receives a message from another attendee, receives a meeting request from another attendee, etc.
  • The organizer performs an action on the Dashboard.
    Examples: massively imports an Excel file of attendees into the Attendee List, manually enters an attendee into the Attendee List, accepts/rejects a request to register for the form, accepts/rejects an abstract, etc.

What you need to know about automated emails

  • There are two ways to create automated emails:
    • From scratch in Emails > Templates: either by uploading your own HTML or using the templates that Meetmaps makes available
      + info👉 How to create an email from templates? Discover the Email Builder 
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    • From Emails > Email automation through templates. These templates are then in Emails > Templates and you can re-edit them.
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IMPORTANT❗ Remember to link the templates to the action (or actions) that interest you in all the emails created.

+ info 👉 What do email actions mean in email automation?

  • Variables are used in the emails to ensure that the content is sent in a personalized way to each attendee. The body of the email will be the same for everyone, but the variables will display the content in a personalized way for each attendee. 

    + info👉 ¿What variables are there when creating an email?
  • You have the option of sending a test email to check from your inbox how the email you have created will be displayed.
    + info👉 ¿Cómo enviar un test de un email automático?.

NOTE 🗒️: Sending automatic emails depends on a specific action taken by the organizer or attendee, and cannot be activated at will by the organizer at any time.

To facilitate sending emails whenever the organizer wants, there are email campaigns, which allow sending to be scheduled and audiences segmented, which means that a specific email can be sent to a specific group of people.

+ info 👉 What are email campaigns?