¿Cómo funciona el módulo de encuestas?

Conoce cómo maximizar la utilidad del módulo de Surveys en tu evento virtual

As a reference, we recommend you take a look at the article 👉 How to create a survey?

Options to manage the surveys 📝

In App & Web > Surveys and next to the survey you have created, there are a series of functionalities that allow you to manage it.

  • ADD QUESTION: within each survey created, you must add the questions using this button.       
  • VISIBILITY: the visibility of the survey is controlled by the little eye button 👁️. When you find this button "crossed out" it means that it is not visible to the attendees; clicking on it will turn it blue and enable the survey.

  • QUESTION SORTING: to sort the questions of your survey as you prefer, click on the "six dots" button of the question and drag & drop it up or down to place it where you want.

  • LINK GENERATION AND PREVIEW: to preview the contents of the survey and also get the web link to it, click on the icon containing a diagonal arrow. By doing so, the created survey will open in a new tab. This link can be sent to the attendees in an email campaign 👉 How to configure a campaign?, or inserted into the event as a new module of type URL in How can I create a new module?

NOTE 🗒️: If you want to change the language of the survey link, you can do so by modifying its URL: es (Spanish), en (English), ca (Catalan).



  • DOWNLOAD RESULTS: to download the survey results, click on the download icon. You will get the file in .csv format.
  • CLOSE SURVEY: to close a survey so that it cannot be answered by the attendees, click on the lock icon 🔒.
  • EDIT AND DELETE SURVEY: you can edit the name or description of the created survey, or delete it, removing in this action all the questions included.

  • SORT SURVEYS: finally, if you have created more than one survey, you can sort them using this button. A window will open with the list of surveys created and with the "6 dots" buttons you can drag up or down each one of them to arrange them as you prefer.
