What type of interactions can we have during a speaker’s presentation?

Discover some tips to create a more dynamic interaction with the attendees during a speaker’s presentation

To facilitate the interaction with an event attendees, you have the following options available for both the Virtual Event and the App. These tools will allow you offer an closer and more realistic experience to the attendees: 

  • CHAT 💬: Allows attendees to write and make comments during a streaming, exchanging opinions among themselves. This chat is open and it doesn‘t require of someone to control and moderate it. 

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NOTE: Keep in mind that already sent messages cannot be deleted from the chat.

  • QUESTIONS TO THE SPEAKER 🗣️: In this section, attendees can send questions directly to the speaker, either anonymous or with their identity (name and last name). These questions do require an organizer to moderate them, and can be published to be visible to all the attendees while the streaming is on. 
  • POOLS ☑️: You can create pools and activate them at different moments during the presentation. This is another way to encourage the participation and make it more interactive. Also, you can challenge their knowledge and get to know their opinions.  

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Do you want to learn how to create a pool? Find more information about it here.

How can I activate these interactions?

You can activate chats, questions to the speaker and pools in the agenda session where you configured the video or streaming link.

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Here you can learn more about the agenda and how to create a session