What is the QR Gamification and how to use it?

Learn more about how to create QR code to design Gamification by missions dynamics in your live event

Through the App, the attendees will be able to scan the QR codes that you had placed in different locations in the event (conference rooms, exhibitors stands, photocall, etc.). The main objective is to score points and overcome missions.

Discover what is the Gamification per Actions and how does it work 👉 here

When an attendee scans a QR code, the URLs that you had previously established will show up in their devices, for example, your website. 

NOTE 🗒️Remember to activate the Gamification by missions and QR gamification module in the  “Modules” tab.

+ info👉 ¿How to configure modules?

To create a QR, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Gamification > Gamification QR module in the sidebar menu
  2. To create a QR code, click on “New QR” 
  3. A pop-up will appear, write a title and introduce the URL that will open when someone scans this QR code

  4. Check all the QR code created in “List QR”. To see the QR code that has been generated for each of the missions you have created, you will have to click on the 'QR' button.


    And once you've clicked, you'll have it like this:

TIP 💡: In a live event, print it out and place it in your event. You can place several QR codes with different URLs in various areas to create a route and encourage attendees to search for and scan them to earn points.

You can add a description, if you want, with instructions:


EXPORTS 🔢: By clicking on Download, you will be able to see which QR code was scanned and when (along with the attendee's email and name).

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 NOTE🗒️: How to add a QR within the QR Scan mission here