What is Gamification per Actions and how does it work?

Available for Web & App

Available for these licences:

Logo meetmaps Event App Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Virtual Venue Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Suite Enterprise

Gamify the general usage of the Web 💻 and the App 📲 to reward with points the attendees doing what you want to promote. 

👉  Define how many points are rewarded for each action.

The Gamification per Action module allows you to create a scoring system for actions taken by attendees and a global rankingl 🏆  to see the participants with the most points.

To define the points for each action, you need to go to the Gamification > Actions section in the sidebar menu and define all the actions (tasks) that your attendees can perform to earn points:


  • Confirmed meeting:  As soon as an attendee gets the confirmation of the meeting with other attendee, she will get the points.  It does not sum only by requesting it.
  • Attended session:  Rewarded for each attended session.  Available only for virtual visits via web or app.  Not currently available for in-person check-ins.
  • Visited stand: Same as for Attended session but visiting each exhibitor stand for the first time.
  • Question asked to speaker:  Scoring for each approved question the attendee asked in any session.
  • Answered survey:  Scoring only the first time a survey is answered.
  • Opened private chat:  Scoring is only added the first time the attendee writes to another person.
  • On-site assisted session: For every agenda session accessed in person at least once via the access control with the check-in app
  • Early activated app: For the early activation of the app in the Apple Store or Google Play
  • Uploaded profile image: For each uploaded profile image in the attendee profile (app or web)
  • Created threat: For each new threat created in a public or private channel
  • Posted in a created channel/threat: For each message sent in an already created threat in a public or private channel
  • Completed quiz: For every quiz completed online. If a quiz can be completed multiple times, it will score points every time

 TIP 💡: If you enter 0 as the score, it will disappear from the overall ranking.

In addition to the actions completed: 


  • Limit date: Deadline by which the action must be done. Actions after this date will not contribute to the final score.
  • Number of actions: establishes the maximum number of times that an assistant will earn points when performing the action. If you do not define a number (0) there will be no limit.

RANKING🏆: Only available for Gamification per Action, attendees check their current ranking in real-time through the web and app.

You can also show its results on the screen:1en-May-27-2024-10-27-45-9944-AM


EXPORTS 🔢 : By clicking on Export Ranking you will be able to see in which position each attendee has been placed.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-03 a las 15.21.29

Now you are ready to start applying the Gamification per Action in your event!