What is the difference between the Registration Form and the Join Form?

Make the most of both to ensure your event is a success.

The Registration Form is the form that every attendee must fill out in order to register for the event, and therefore the data that the attendee enters will appear in the event database (under the Attendee List section in the sidebar menu).

Once the attendee is registered, there is a preliminary step before accessing the event: filling out the Join Form. This is useful for completing the attendee's profile once registered, as in this step it may be appropriate to ask for some data that is not suitable for the registration form, such as a photo (useful for networking) or social media profile.

📢The Join Form will only have to be filled out the first time the attendee enters the event, and must click on "I accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy" to access the event.


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 Join form:Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 12.52.25