What does the moment of the delivery of automated emails mean?

Through this configuration, you will decide which email to send when the attendee or organizer does an action with the platform

Automated emails are emails thought to be automatically sent when an attendee or organizer does an action.

Below, and once you have the final version of the email, you must link it to the corresponding action in which you want said email to be sent. To do this you must go to the Moment of the delivery section and link it to the one you want. To understand what each moment of delivery means, we detail all the available options:

❗IMPORTANT: The moment you link the email, it will be sent automatically when you perform the corresponding action, so you must have made sure that it is the final version and that all the links or buttons work correctly.

👀 Be careful, because if the attendee or organizer performs the action before making this link, the attendees will not receive any automatic email and the only way you will have to send them the email will be by sending a campaign.

🎯Choose this option if you have made the attendees' registration externally from Meetmaps
💡We recommend that the email you link is the email where you send the access information and the access link to the virtual event and/or app download, and in case of a physical event, the ticket or badge.  

  • When importing invited attendees: an email when you do guests importation from the Attendee List section. 

🎯Choose this option if you want attendees to get an email encouraging them to register to the registration form. 
💡Our advice is to ensure that the email that you link to this option leads to the registration form link and clearly states the event's date, timetable, and format (physical, virtual or hybrid event) 

  • When registering manually:  an email is sent every time you add a registrant directly in the database, without the attendee having filled out the registration form (How to manually register an attendee?)

🎯Choose this option if you want to have the chance to quickly register an attendee and that they receive the same email as if they had registered through the form or you had imported them. 
💡We recommend linking the same email as the "On import" or "When registering through the form" options. 

  • When inviting manually: this option allows sending an email when directly adding a guest as a guest to the Attendee list (without going through the database importation). 

🎯 Choose this option if you want to upload a guest quickly so that they receive the same email as if you had imported them. 
💡We recommend that you have the same email configured as in the "On import" and "When registering through the form" moments. 

  • When registering through the form:  allows sending an email when a attendee has completed the registration form. 

IMPORTANT: You must configure this option if you use the registration form in your event. 

  • When returning a payment: if your event has ticket sales, an email is sent when the refund is made

IMPORTANT: Refunds can only be made from Meetmaps.

  • When validating an attendee: The registration form can be configured to have someone in your organization accept or reject registration requests. This option is designed so that an email is sent when you have validated the registration.

IMPORTANT: This option must be active if you use a registration form with attendee validation since it is the way you will have to notify that a attendee has been accepted and therefore is registered to the event.

  • When rejecting an attendee: this option allows sending an email when you reject a registration request from an event attendee.

💡We recommend implementing this option to prevent attendees from being confused and not knowing if they have been registered to the event or not.

  • When resending access credentials: when you select one or more attendees in the "Attendees list", you can resend the credentials to them. In this email there should be the link to the Virtual Web Event or to download the App and the credentials.

In this email there should be the link to the Virtual Web Event or to download the App and the variables attendee_email and attendee_pass

  • When registering via API: similar to the previous case, when you register your event's attendees through API, you will also be able to link an automated email for them to receive.
  • When syncing with Eventbrite: if you manage your event's tickets sale on Eventbrite, it is possible to synchronize the database of the attendees and migrate it to your Meetmaps event. When configuring this sending moment, by activating the synchronization, the current attendees in the Eventbrite database will migrate and receive the automated email that you previously chose. New Eventbrite registrants also will receive this email once you have activated the synchronization. To learn more about this process, read the article "How to synchronize Eventbrite's tickets sale?"
  • When linking an exhibitor admin: if you hired Premium exhibitors, when syncing an administrator to the stand, you will be able to associate this action to an automated email. To do so, you have to go to the Exhibitors section, on the left side menu, and choose from the dropdown of the exhibitor the attendee that will be the administrator of the stand. When you do so, two options appear: "Sync" and "Sync and send email". Choose the second option, "Sync and send email" so that the email you have previously associated to "When linking an exhibitor admin" is sent automatically.    

🎯 Choose this option if you want to give access to the stand's administrators so that they can upload the content to their exhibitor and not have to do it yourself. 

REMEMBER 📢: Make sure that the email that you link to the sending moment "When linking an exhibitor admin" includes the event_portal_url, attendee_email and attendee_pass variables. With this configuration, the administrators will receive the access credentials and the link to the dashboard of their own stand. 

  • When accepting an abstract: so that the projects or posters submitted by the author are visible, the event's organizers must validate them. You can create an automated response confirming the acceptance of the presentation to the authors by configuring an email and linking it to this sending moment. 

🎯 Choose this option if you have an event with the module abstracts

  •  When rejecting an abstract: similar to the previous moment, but in this case, when rejecting a presentation. 

🎯 Choose this option if you have an event with the module abstracts

    • When sending invoice: when the administrator sends manually an invoice to the attenddee.

    🎯 Choose this option if you have an event with a Registration form with invoices

    • When sending a chat

    🎯 Choose this option if you have an event with the module messages

    • When requesting a meeting
    • When modifying a meeting
    • When declining a meeting

    🎯 🎯 Choose these 3 options when you have an event with a Meetings 1 to1  module (between attendees), and/or 1to1 Meetings with exhibitors

    • When buying session from event: when the attendee registers for a workshop-type session from the APP or EVweb.

    🎯 Choose this option when you have an event with workshop-type sessions on the agenda and they can register through the App or EVweb.

    • When a survey is completed

    🎯 Choose this option if you have an event with the module Surveys

    • New message in a channel

    🎯 Choose this option if you have an event with the module Channels

    Link the automated email to the sending moment 

    The email that will be sent will be the one you have linked next to the sending moment, and you will be able to choose through the dropdown between the different emails you have created in the My emails section. 

    In some Moments of Delivery you can send a default template