Landing Page Branding

Discover all the customization and design options for the Landing Page

App & Web Dashboard > Settings > Design

  • Tab Logo: 32px x 32px
  • Colors: color that is applied to the Landing modules.
    In HEX format (👉Check this article to know the HEX code of a color)
  • Main Image for Computer Web: 2560px x 1600px
    In case you have the "Event Information" module in the Landing❗

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.54.15

Registration Dashboard > Landing

  • Logo: 96px x 96px
  • Background cover (Fondo Portada) (desktop): 1280px x 1024px 
    ❗ For image with content: 625px x 1200px
  • Mobile Cover Background: 625px x 1200px
  • Color: Landing and buttons 
    In HEX code  👉 learn how to know the HEX code of a color

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.56.54

This is how the landing from a desktop looks like

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.57.38

This is how the landing from a mobile phone looks like


❗If you do not put a COVER BACKGROUND/MOBILE COVER BACKGROUND, the platform will use the MAIN IMAGE FOR COMPUTER WEB of the App & Web Dashboard > Configuration > Design

❗If you do not add the COLOR, the platform will use the color defined in the App & Web Dashboard > Settings > Design

You already know everything related to the Branding of the Landing page, start testing it, and it will look fab!

For more information about configurations of your Landing page 👉 click here