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How to offer assistance to the attendees of the virtual event?

We will explain 2 different ways to provide assistance through the App and Web.

Enable contact mode

Activate the Contact module to allow attendees to easily send messages to organizers by completing a simple form. 👉 What is the Contact module and what is its purpose?

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NOTE 📃: Messages written by attendees using "Contact the organization" will be received by all event administrators via email.

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Creating a "Helpdesk" assistant

  1. In the Attendee List, click on the "Add Attendee > Add Registered" button. + info 👉 How to manually register a user?
  2. Fill in the content of the pop-up that appears as you see fit (keep in mind that this user will serve as a helpdesk assistant 🆘 for your attendees).

TIP 💡 You can announce the existence of this Help Desk during your event's streaming to provide information and address issues and questions that your attendees may have.

Show yourself as accessible and approachable to your attendees with these tips, and help them when they need it 🆘.