How to manage questions to the speaker in real time?

Discover how to manage live questions in your Event Management Software

How to validate and make visible the Questions received

Click on this article to learn how to validate and make visible the questions that appear in the Pending Questions section.

How to generate the retransmission link

All the questions that appear in the Questions on Live section are projected on a url that we have available and that can be very useful:

  • For the audiovisual team to project the validated questions on the screen.
  • So that the speaker or moderator who is making the presentation from home can have an open tab with the questions validated by the organization and can answer them.
  • To display on any of the screens in the room where the conference is taking place.

To access this link, just click on the button with the shape of a television. 

A new tab will automatically appear with the URL of the validated questions. You can copy the link and send it to whoever you need to. 

NOTE: This screen by default always takes the main color of the event, the logo you have entered and the name of the event.

How to highlight the validated questions 

In the retransmission link of validated questions, you can highlight a question so that one becomes more important than the other, for example, when a question is being answered, it could be highlighted. In addition, when you highlight a question, it is placed in the first position so that it is clearly visible.

To do so, in the section "Questions on live" you must click on the play button that appears next to each question.

NOTE: You can only have one highlighted question. If you click on the play button of another question, it will no longer be emphasized and the one you have just selected will be highlighted. 

You cannot change the order of the questions that are displayed on the screen, so it is convenient to play with the highlighting feature. 

How to stop making a question visible

You have several options depending on the case.

  1. If you have validated a question and you want to put it back in the Pending Questions, you can do it through the red arrow that returns the question to the previous section. 
  2. If the answer has already been answered or you simply do not want it to be seen anymore, you can archive it. Click on the button containing three dots and select "Archive". 

This option is available for both Pending and Live Questions.

NOTE: If you wish to unarchive the question, simply go to the "Archived Questions" section and click on the corresponding icon.

How to delete a question

If you want to delete the question you have received so that there is no record of it, you can do so by pressing the icon containing three dots and clicking on the "Delete" option. It is also useful when the organization sends a test question to check that you have received it correctly and therefore you are not interested in keeping a record of these tests.

This option is available for both Pending Questions and Live Questions.

IMPORTANT: When you delete the question, it will no longer be visible in your virtual event and there will be no possibility to retrieve it.

How to edit a submitted question

Perhaps you have been sent a question where the speaker's name is misspelled, contains a misspelled word, or for any other reason you may want to edit the question. To do so, just click on the three dots button and press edit. Once you have made the necessary changes, click on the green "Save changes" button and the question will be visible as a new question to your attendees.

PRO TIP: At the end of the event you can download a report with all the questions received by the users and answer by mail those that you have not had time to answer. If you want to know how to download the report, see this article