Discover the different possible forms of streaming that you can do in Meetmaps Event Management Software
Streaming on Meetmaps can be done in different ways and on different platforms (App📱, Web💻, and even on the Landing page), and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages:1. Streaming on the Web Home through the "General Information" Module
Requires login but does not provide access metrics for the streaming session.
Go to App & Web > Streaming and activate:
Streaming on the Main Screen
In App & Web > Home > Home Web, activate the General Information module and select an image-based view.
How it is displayed on the Web 💻
2. Streaming in Each Agenda Session (App and/or Web)
Requires login and provides detailed access metrics.
Ability to segment access by attendee (in each agenda session under App & Web > Agenda).
Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).
Activate streaming in App & Web > Streaming.
Insert the embed code in each agenda session.
More info 👉 How can I activate and configure streaming for an agenda session?
How it is displayed App 📱 (Insert images with interactions)
How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert images with interactions)
3. Streaming in a Single Agenda Session (App and/or Web)
Requires login with specific access metrics.
Ability to segment access (e.g., for those who purchased a streaming ticket in App & Web > Agenda).
Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).
Activate streaming in App & Web > Streaming.
Insert the embed code in the specific agenda session.
Recommendation: Add a red "Streaming" tag to highlight the session.
How it is displayed App 📱 (Insert images with tag)
How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert images with tag)
4. Streaming in a "Stage" Module (App and/or Web)
Requires login with access metrics.
Ability to segment access for the session (in App & Web > Modules), e.g., for paid streaming tickets.
Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).
In App & Web > Streaming, activate Streaming and Streaming on the Main Screen.
In App & Web > Modules, create a Stage module for this session.
How it is displayed App 📱 (Insert images)
How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert images)
5. Streaming in a "Stage" Module on the Web Home
Requires login with access metrics.
Ability to segment access in App & Web > Home > Home Web (e.g., for those who purchased streaming access).
Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).
In App & Web > Streaming, activate Streaming and Streaming on the Main Screen.
Create a Stage module in App & Web > Home > Home Web.
More info 👉 How to configure streaming on the home page?
How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert image)
6. Public Streaming on the Landing Page
Available to anyone with internet access, like an open broadcast.
No login required.
No access metrics provided.
In Registration > Landing, activate Enable video/streaming.
Insert the streaming embed code.
How it is displayed Landing 💻 (Insert image)