What types of streaming are there in Meetmaps?

Discover the different possible forms of streaming that you can do in Meetmaps Event Management Software

Streaming on Meetmaps can be done in different ways and on different platforms (App📱, Web💻, and even on the Landing page), and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages:
  1. Streaming on the Web Home through the "General Information" module

  2. Streaming in each agenda session (App and/or Web)

  3. Streaming in a single agenda session (App and/or Web)

  4. Streaming in a "Stage" module (App and/or Web)

  5. Streaming in a "Stage" module on the Web Home

  6. Public streaming on the Landing page

1. Streaming on the Web Home through the "General Information" Module


  • Requires login but does not provide access metrics for the streaming session.


  1. Go to App & Web > Streaming and activate:

    • Streaming

    • Streaming on the Main Screen

  2. In App & Web > Home > Home Web, activate the General Information module and select an image-based view.

How it is displayed on the Web 💻

2. Streaming in Each Agenda Session (App and/or Web)


  • Requires login and provides detailed access metrics.

  • Ability to segment access by attendee (in each agenda session under App & Web > Agenda).

  • Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).


  1. Activate streaming in App & Web > Streaming.

  2. Insert the embed code in each agenda session.

  3. More info 👉 How can I activate and configure streaming for an agenda session?

How it is displayed App 📱 (Insert images with interactions)

How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert images with interactions)


3. Streaming in a Single Agenda Session (App and/or Web)


  • Requires login with specific access metrics.

  • Ability to segment access (e.g., for those who purchased a streaming ticket in App & Web > Agenda).

  • Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).


  1. Activate streaming in App & Web > Streaming.

  2. Insert the embed code in the specific agenda session.

  3. Recommendation: Add a red "Streaming" tag to highlight the session.

How it is displayed App 📱 (Insert images with tag)

How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert images with tag)

4. Streaming in a "Stage" Module (App and/or Web)


  • Requires login with access metrics.

  • Ability to segment access for the session (in App & Web > Modules), e.g., for paid streaming tickets.

  • Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).


  1. In App & Web > Streaming, activate Streaming and Streaming on the Main Screen.

  2. In App & Web > Modules, create a Stage module for this session.

How it is displayed App 📱 (Insert images)

How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert images)

5. Streaming in a "Stage" Module on the Web Home


  • Requires login with access metrics.

  • Ability to segment access in App & Web > Home > Home Web (e.g., for those who purchased streaming access).

  • Allows live interaction (Q&A, polls, live chat).


  1. In App & Web > Streaming, activate Streaming and Streaming on the Main Screen.

  2. Create a Stage module in App & Web > Home > Home Web.

More info 👉 How to configure streaming on the home page?

How it is displayed Web 💻 (Insert image)

6. Public Streaming on the Landing Page

Available to anyone with internet access, like an open broadcast.


  • No login required.

  • No access metrics provided.


  1. In Registration > Landing, activate Enable video/streaming.

  2. Insert the streaming embed code.

How it is displayed Landing 💻 (Insert image)