How can I activate and configure the Streaming for a session?

Find out how to activate and link a streaming to your online sessions from our Event Management Software

To be able to view the streaming in your Virtual Event, you must carry out the following steps 👇:

  • You must go to the Streaming section of the side menu and activate the "Activate Streaming" switch:
  • When activating this section, you must go to the Agenda section, and in the corresponding session in which you want to activate streaming, access it by clicking on the "Edit" button and selecting the format "Virtual" or "Hybrid" and then the "Streaming "mode".  Ensure you include the streaming link for each language you need:

NOTE 📃: with the "Streaming" mode you should include the streaming link, unless you are using the Agenda by Rooms and want the Room streaming link to be used.

Check here how it works  👉 : How is the LIVE streaming managed in the agenda by rooms?

  • Once you have activated them, a box appears just below to put the streaming URL. To correctly enter the link to the streaming, you must click on the right icon (marked in red in the image), a pop-up window will open, in which you must click on the platform where the streaming link is created and put the corresponding URL. You will see that we give 3 options of platforms:
    • Custom: if your link is not a URL neither from YouTube nor from Vimeo
    • Youtube: if your URL is from YouTube
    • Vimeo: if your streaming link is from Vimeo

IMPORTANT: The streaming's URL must be the direct one to the video through which the corresponding streaming will be launched on the day of the event

IMPORTANT ❗❗: Make sure the streaming link is an embed link

+ info 👉 How to get the Embed link from YouTube and Vimeo?

Lastly, click on the Save button and click on Preview to check that it reads the link.

TIP 💡: We always recommend that before the event, the audiovisual experts do some tests of emitting a signal to verify that it is received correctly and save you last-minute scares 😅 

EXPORTS 🔢: You can download the time that attendees have spent in a session of streaming.Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-24 a las 13.30.43