What is the Products section and how is it configured?

Discover how to sell products or services from your virtual event registration form.

Available for these licences:

Logo meetmaps Access Enterprise

First of all, in this section you will create products that you can sell (for free or not) in the Registration Form.

Attendees will be able to purchase more than one unit of these products.

In addition to products, remember that in the form you can also sell (for a fee or for free)

Create products

1. In the App & Web Panel > Products section, fill in all the fields of the product (Name, description, units, price, and an image).Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-09 a las 13.46.05
2.  Activate the products using the "eye" icon and arrange them using the "6 dots" icon Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-09 a las 13.52.12

IMPORTANT❗ To enable the sale of products, it is necessary to do the following beforehand:

  • Activate ticket sales in Registration > Payments > Settings
  • Create a ticket and activate it (it can be free) in Registration > Tickets

How it appears in the Registration Form 💻

Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-09 a las 14.04.08

NOTE 📋: You can download an Excel file of the products sold with the following information: user email, user name, product, units, and date.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-09 a las 14.06.57

EXPORTS 🔢: You can download an Excel file of the products sold with the following information: mail and name of the attendee who bought the product, product, units, and date.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-05-23 a las 14.29.50