What is the Atendee list Module and how to configure?

Discover how to make the most of the Atendee list section.

Available for these licences:

Logo meetmaps Event App Starter, Pro, Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Virtual Venue Starter, Pro, Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Suite Starter, Pro, Enterprise

Atendee list

In this section, the attendees of our event are displayed. These attendees can be input into the Event Management Software in various ways:

Additionally, you will see:

TIP 💡: Filter attendees through single-selection properties

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You can also assign a unique property to a group of attendees in bulk:

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TIP 💡: Sort and hide columns (properties) in "Actions > Edit columns"

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EXPORTS 🔢: By clicking Actions you can:

  • Download attendees (.xlsx/.csv), which contains the information of each attendee.
  • Download attachments (if the attendees have a single selection property of type "File").
  • Download accreditations.

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Configuration Options

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  • Show unactivated attendees: even if attendees have not accessed the App or Virtual Event Web for the first time, they will appear in the "Explore" module (attendees), and attendees can request:

  a.  "Simple" meetings (module "Meetings")

  b.  Send messages. + info 👉 What is the Messages module and what is it for?

  • Show unactivated attendees in meetings: even if attendees have not accessed the App or Virtual Event Web for the first time, they will appear in the "Meetings 1 to 1" module (1 to 1 meetings between attendees), and attendees can request meetings.
  • Show current status of attendees: shows if attendees are connected/online.

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  • Filter Conditions: these are the filters that users could use for the "Explore" module (attendees"). There are two options:
    1. Meet at least one condition: Show all attendees who meet at least one of the selected filters.
    2. Meet all conditions: By selecting 2 options, only those attendees who meet both conditions are shown.

    NOTE 🗒️: In Properties, choose which single or multiple selection property you want to be a filter in the -explore- wizard module by activating the switch.


    IMPORTANT❗ If you want both your App and Virtual Web Event to be social/networking and attendees interact with each other, don't forget to activate the EXPLORE module.

    + info 👉 What is the Explore module?