Registration Form Branding

Discover all the customization and design options for the registration form of your event

App & Web Dashboard> Settings > Design

  • Logo Tab:  32px x 32px 

  • Color: color of the footer.
    In HEX format (👉Check this article to know the HEX code of a color)

Registration Panel > Registration Form > Form

There are two options for the Registration Form 


Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.26.04

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.14.39


Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.22.31

  • Header: 1900px x 250px 
    ❗In case you have images and text, center them leaving 25% space on the 4 sides
  • Mobile Header: 600px x 250px
    ❗In case you have images and text, center them leaving 25% space on the 4 sides
  • Color: For the button
  • Background: 2400px x 1536px
    In case no background image is set, the main color of the event is set as the background color.

Registration Form from a desktop 💻:

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.21.07

Registration Form from mobile 📱:


Form without header

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.25.17

❗If you do not add any logo over color (option A) or header (option B), the platform will use the 750px x 180px Logo of the App & Web > Configuration > Design

❗If you do not add the color, the platform will use the color defined in the App & Web > Settings > Design

You only have to use your creative arts to make your form as appetizing as possible, let's create! 🕵️ 

If you want to know how to configure a registration form 👉 click here