How to manage questions for the speaker in real time?

Discover how to manage live questions in your Event Management Software


Take a look at the main article on this topic 👉 What is the Questions for the Speaker module and how to activate it?

1. In App & Web > Questions for the Speaker, select the agenda session:

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.25.35

Alternatively, you can create the question session from this same section. Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.28.26

2. Validate the question using the green arrow to make it visible. If you make a mistake and want to return it to pending validation, press the red arrow.

You can also archive it, edit it (correcting spelling errors, etc.), or delete it beforehand.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.31.123. Make all questions visible (eye icon) and highlight a specific one (play icon)

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.34.38

NOTE🗒️: You can only highlight one question at a time. Clicking the play button on another question will bring the previous one to the background and highlight the new one.

Please note that you cannot change the order of the questions displayed on the screen, making the option to highlight a question convenient.

4. If the question has already been answered or you simply don't want it to be visible anymore, you can archive it.

NOTE🗒️: If you wish to unarchive a question, simply go to the Archived Questions section and select the upward arrow icon

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.38.19

 How to generate the livestream link?

All questions appearing in the Live Questions section will be broadcasted via a URL that we have available, which can be very useful for:

  • To have the audiovisual team project the validated questions on the screen.
  • So that the speaker or moderator who is presenting from home can have a tab open with questions validated by the organization and respond to them.
  • To project them onto any of the screens that may be in the room where the conference is taking place.

Click on the button with the TV symbol to access this link:

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.43.19

Clicking on it automatically opens a new tab with the URL of the validated questions. You can copy this link and send it to the people who need it.

TIP 💡: Remember that by default, the livestream screen is in Spanish. If you want to change the language to English, you should add this suffix to the generated URL: ?hl=en. If you prefer Catalan, use ?hl=ca.

Captura de Pantalla 2024-06-14 a las 10.45.47

NOTE🗒️: This screen will always feature the main color, logo, and event name by default.