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How to get the Embed link from YouTube and Vimeo?

The link in HTML is used to embed external content in a web page or any HTML document.

To get the embed link of a YouTube video, do it as follows:

1. Locate the YouTube video from which you would like to extract the Embed link and enter it.1-Apr-24-2024-10-27-01-0956-AM2. Click on the share button located below the video.

1-Apr-24-2024-10-29-44-4436-AM3. A pop-up will appear in which you must click the “Embed” icon.

1-Apr-24-2024-10-52-38-5030-AM4. Now you will find yourself in the box where you can copy the embed link. Select and copy the part of the link that starts from https:// to the first set of quotation marks as shown in the image.

1-Apr-25-2024-07-34-17-3927-AM5. The link will be copied to your clipboard and you can now “paste” it wherever you need.

To get the embed link of a Vimeo video:

1. Locate the Vimeo video from which you would like to extract the Embed link and click to enter it.

1-Apr-24-2024-11-05-08-1525-AM2. Click on the “Share” button at the top right.


3. A pop-up will appear. Select the option "Insert/Insertar" , then select the embed option, and there you can copy the embed link of the video manually. Select only the code that is between <iframe></iframe>.


5. The link will be copied to your clipboard and you can now “paste” it wherever you need.

And there you have it! Now you know where to get a YouTube and Vimeo embed link! 💥