What options are available to customize the privacy policy?

Discover how to personalize the privacy policy.

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By default, Meetmaps events have the Meetmaps privacy policy in place, although you have the option to customize it and use your own, as well as other options related to legal notice and GDPR policy.

1. Privacy Policy:

To customize the privacy policy for your event, you must go to the Registration Form section of the dashboard and the Settings tab.

Once there, you will activate the switch for "Customize confirmation box with link" in the "Custom Privacy Policy" section.

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When you do this, a space will be enabled where you must embed the URL of the privacy policy you wish to use for your event and then click the "Save" button.

IMPORTANT: The privacy policy must be posted on a URL to be able to link it. Otherwise, you can use the document module to generate the URL.

From now on, the customized privacy policy will be visible in the Registration Form, in the Join Form, and on the virtual event page. To see how this new information is displayed, click here.. aquí.

2. Show Level 1 of Privacy (like GDPR):

Additionally, you have the option to configure level 1 of the privacy policy proposed by the European Regulation. To do this, in the same section of the Registration Form, on the Settings tab, in the "Legal Notice Configuration" section, you will find a switch for "Show Level 1 of Privacy (like GDPR)" that you must activate to include the text with specific information for your event in each box:

  • Data Controller: legal name of the data controller.
  • Purpose: purpose of collecting attendee data.
  • Legal basis: legal basis that allows the collection of this data. Usually, "with the consent of the interested party."
  • Recipients: when it is planned to transfer or communicate the data to third parties, inform about the identity of these recipients, if they are clearly predetermined, or their categories, if they are not previously determined.
  • Rights: offer information about the rights that interested parties have regarding the data. The most common are: access, rectification, deletion, limitation of treatment, opposition to treatment, and portability of data.
  • Additional information: add links to complete information (second level), where it is explained in detail, in a more suitable medium for presentation, understanding, and, if desired, archiving.

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NOTE: Remember to place the text in each of the languages in which your event is configured.

This level 1 of privacy will be visible in the Registration Form and in the Join Form. To see how this new information is displayed, click here.

3. Customizable Text:

Finally, you have the option to add custom text, visible at the bottom of the Registration Form and in the Join Form. In this space, you can include any additional text you deem appropriate, in each of the available languages for your event. Its configuration is also done in the Registration Form section, the Settings tab, and the "Legal Notice Configuration" section.

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This section is used when there is relevant information that you want to always be visible to the user and not "hidden" in a link.

To see how this new information is displayed, click here.