What is the Favorites module and how does it work?

Do you want your attendees to be able to save their favorite sessions from the agenda? Or the speakers that catch their attention the most? Now they can do it in the favorites section!

Activate the “Favorites” module so that the attendees of your Web and App virtual event can save the agenda sessions, attendees, speakers, exhibitors and their products that they like the most.

Here we show you how it works:

NOTE🗒️: Activate the favorite module in the module section. Here we explain how to do it 👉 How to configure a module?

When selecting favorites from the app

Example: Favorites on the agenda 🌟 

1. When entering the App, attendees will see a favorites section (this can be found in the top, side or bottom bar depending on where it has been activated). Selected favorites will be saved here.
2. In the agenda section you can press the blank star icon to “favorite” a session.


3. Later, if the attendee wants to find this session that they added to their favorites, they must go to Favorites > Agenda section and it will be there!

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When selecting favorites from the web event

Example: Favorite Speakers🌟

1. Upon entering the EV web, the attendee must go to the speakers tab. 
2. At the top right of the speaker box, click on the blank star icon to “favorite” the speaker.


4. On the right you will see a column with several icons. You have to click on the yellow star.


5. A box will open where the attendee will see everything they have selected as a “favorite”. They have to make sure to select the appropriate tab, in this case being the speakers tab.


And there you have it! It's that easy! 💥