How to generate the "Provisioning Profile" of development and distribution for the creation of a Branded App in Apple?

Provisioning Profiles allow you to install apps on your iOS devices. It includes an App ID, device identifiers and signing certificates

Development Provisioning Profiles are used to produce and install versions of your app during the development cycle, while Distribution Provisioning Profiles are used to publish your apps to the App Store. 

  1. Register in the Apple Developer Program Portal, Account section
  2. Click on the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section
  3. Open the Provisioning Profiles section and click the + button 
  4. Select the type of Provisioning Profile you need to create and click 'Continue' to continue the process. You have to do it first for the iOS App Development and then for the App Store Distribution
  5. In the next step you configure 'Select App ID - you are creating the provisioning profile for'
  6. Select the certificates you want to include in this Provisioning Profile and click on 'Continue'
  7. Select the devices you want to include
  8. Fill in the name of the Provisioning Profile and click on 'Continue' to generate the profile
  9. Now you can download the new Provisioning Profile and add another one for App Store Distribution
  10. Remember to send us both certificates