How to generate and send invoices after purchasing a ticket?

Learn what you need to create a bill and send it to attendees that purchase tickets to participate in your event 

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Logo meetmaps Access Enterprise

Logo meetmaps Suite Enterprise

When users complete the registration form where they purchase tickets to attend your event, you can offer them the option to receive an invoice for their purchase. ¿Do you want to learn how? Keep reading. 

But before moving forward, let's review useful configurations 💪:

How to create a Registration form?

How does the Tickets section work? 

How to create an invoice? 

In Registration > Invoices > Settings there are 2 sections: general and bill issuer details.


Facturas EN 1

- Allow requesting invoices when buying ticket: it's essential that you complete - at least - the mandatory bill issuer details (find 👇) so that activation of this switch takes place. By doing so, after purchasing the ticket, the attendee will be able to select a checkbox requesting the corresponding bill. 

- Invoices must be requested: the user has to complete all the fields of the invoice.

IMPORTANT  the option of requesting an invoice during the registration does not have a retroactive effect. If you launch a registration form without this switch selected and later decide to activate it, only the bills of those new registrants who have clicked on the checkbox from that moment will receive the invoice. 


Facturas EN 2

Here, you will have to add the information of the bill issuer. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

  • Concept: we recommend referring to the purchase of the ticket to access the event, for example: "Inscription invoice name of the event"
  • Bill issuer name
  • CIF
  • Logo: optionally, you can add the logo so that it appears on the bill
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • City
  • Mail: this email will appear on the bill, and it will serve as the contact option for possible billing doubts
  • Bill prefix: you can choose a generic enumeration, like 001- or 034, or initials  

You got it! What's next? Create the email for their sending 💌.

Email to send the invoice

In EmailsAutomated click on the "Create email" button. After creating it, link it to the "When sending invoice" sending moment.  



  • This email is the same for sending the initial purchase invoice and the corrective invoice (when making a 100% refund).
  • The language of the invoices sent (in PDF format) is always in English.

NOTE 🗒️: this email must include the variable { {user_invoice_url} } (without space between brackets).

You can add a button module with this URL.


Ticket purchase and invoice sending flow simulation

On the Registration form, having completed the first part of personal data, in the second part, the attendee will see the option to request the bill after the purchase. This checkbox is the one activated in Invoices > Settings > General > activate the "Allow requesting invoices when buying ticket" switch 💁. 

By selecting the "Request purchase invoice", new fields to complete with the data of the bill receiver will appear.  

NOTE 📃: it is very usual that one person is in charge of purchasing the tickets for various colleagues in a company. The colleagues must complete the registration form individually with their own corporate email. However, the invoice can be issued by the name of the company if in this section they indicate the company's data. 

Phase 1: registration with ticket purchase and automated invoice creation

Once the registration is complete, the attendee's data will be visible in the Attendees list, as usual. It will also appear in the Invoices section, concretely in the Invoices tab, with the bill in " Generated" status. 

Phase 2: invoices sending 

Having created the automated email with the { {user_invoice_url} } variable and linking it to the sending moment, you will be able to send them individually one by one or all together.

You can also download the invoices individually with the download ⏬ button in .pdf format. 

NOTE 📃: all bills disclose the 21% of VAT. 

Once sent, the invoices status will change from "Generated" to "Sent".


The following segments appear: 

  • Bill issuer information: logo, company name, administrative contact email, CIF, address, city, postal code
  • Receiver information: CIF, name, email, address, postal code, city, province, country
  • Invoice references: event, concept, bill number (with prefix), billing date
  • References of attendee linked to the invoice: name and surname, email
  • Description: type of ticket acquired, disclosure of the 21% of VAT. 

Have you requested an invoice? Check your inbox: "you have an email" 🚀