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  2. App
  3. Display and configuration

How is a private channel displayed in the App?

In this article, we explain how to activate the Channels module and make it visible in the App.

After creating a channel, either public or private, you must activate it to make it visible in the App.

To do so, go to the Modules section in the side menu and click on the buttons "App Lateral", "App Inferior", and/or "App Principal" columns of the Channels module to determine its location on the App screen. 

In addition, if you click on the "3 dots" button, you will have the option to edit the module name.

Depending on whether you select App Lateral, App Inferior or App Principal, the "Channels" button will be located as follows in the App:


When clicking on the "Channels" button in the App, the Private Channel you were invited to join will appear.

When accessing it, you will be able to view the comments made by other participants in the private channel and write your own, without having to join the channel expressly, as is the case in the public channels.


IMPORTANT: Only users that the organizer has selected to have access to the private channel will see this channel available. If a user does not have access to the channel, the private channel will not appear on the screen. The attendee will only see the public ones.

To learn how to create a private channel, click here.

To learn how to create a public channel, click here.