How to create a stage?

How to create stages and make them visible using our Event Management Software

Now we will show you how to create stages so that you can make them visible in the Virtual Web Event; through a few simple steps:

  • First, you must activate and configure the streaming of your event

TIP 💡: For a step-by-step explanation of how to activate and configure the streaming, 👉 read this article.

  • Once the streaming is linked to a session on the agenda; you have to go to the Modules section, menu tab and click on the "New menu" button to create the stage module:

  • Next, you must complete the information that we request in the pop-up to create the corresponding stage. The essential data to fill in is:
    • Title: it will be the name that identifies the stage in the web menu. For instance: LIVE, Streaming, Stage
    • Type: You must select it to be Stage type
    • Content: You must link it to the session of the agenda that you have the streaming linked to. By default, you will see the drop-down of sessions that have linked streams

  • When you create a module, it will appear by default in the Disabled Modules section, and you must activate it by using the + button next to the module's name. Once you have gone to the Activated Modules section, you must tick on the upper web column so that it can appear in the web menu.

  • Lastly, in the link of your Virtual Web Event, you will be able to see how the created Stage is displayed: