How to create an App ID in iOS?
The App ID is one of the elements you will need to know to start the process of publishing your own App for your virtual event
Create an App ID
Each iOS app must have a unique ID to identify it.
IMPORTANT: Do not confuse the App ID with the Apple ID. The App ID is an identifier of the App and the Apple ID is the account that gives you access to Apple services.
The following steps explain how to create an App ID for your application.
1. Log in to the Apple Developer Program Portal, Account section.
2. Click on "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
3. To create a new App ID, open App IDs (side menu) and click on the "+" button.
4. Register the name of your App (Name section) and the Bundle ID (it will be the reference that will appear in the url of your app). We recommend that in both cases you enter the name of your event.
Make sure you use the explicit App ID option.
Once you have filled in everything, click on "Continue".
5. Under "App Services" make sure you have the "Push Notifications" and "Hotspot" checkboxes selected.
6. You should now see the App ID information you are creating. To finish, click on the "Register" button.